Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blogging From School

I'm sitting in media arts class and our assignment is to make a music video. Awesome, simple enough. I already had an idea in mind but one tiny problem - the music video has to have a story. My idea would just look really cool. I think I'll still do my idea but maybe over the summer for something to do. It sort of has a Mitchell Davis vibe to it and I'm excited to do it!

But now for media arts.. 
I've been brain storming, just chilling on top of my desk with my ipod on and picturing music videos in my head while the song plays. I've come up with a couple great ideas so far for the songs Use Somebody - Kings of Leon, The Show - Lenka, and Goodbye To You - Michelle Branch. My only problem is actually taking the image n my head and creating it into real life. I need actors! One of my best friends is an aspiring actress but she is also extremely busy and swamped with school work. My other friends are all equally busy with their school work and, no offence to them, they just wouldn't be able to act for my music video. Not that they're terrible actors or anything, they just wouldn't be into and do it all seriously. They'd feel awkward.

My idea for The Show by Lenka is so cute! But my problem with that is a need a 7 year old boy and 7 year old girl to act for me. Or any boy and girl around that age. I have one cousin who is 9 but that's it. Only one. And she would not act seriously for me.
Sometimes I wish I had little brothers and sisters I could bribe into acting for me for my homework.

I feel very discouraged right now.  With any idea I come up with I can't think of anyone who would be willing to act for me. Whatever, I'll keep listening to songs and hopefully I can come up with an idea where I don't necessarily need people to act for me. 

EDIT: Screw that, I'm using my Use Somebody by Kings Of Leon idea. It's so vivid in my mind that I can't not use the idea. I'll just have to find a guy and a girl who can play guitar (or fake it) and will work for food. (:

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