Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Super Long Survey

People always post these things on facebook but I don't like to for some reason. I still get a kick out of filling them out though, so here we go..

When your being kissed do you like it when they hold your face?
yeah, that's cute

Did you sleep alone last night?
Yes, finally. I had to shut my door because my cat is so persistant.

The last person you kissed needs you at 3 AM, would you go?
Um, well, he kind of lives in New Orleans.. so I think by the time i got there his problems would be resolved haha

Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay?
Heck no!

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Not romantically or anything.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you didn't do?
I don't think so? I can't think of anyone who just legit doesn't like me and I hope there isn't anyone

Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you?
Not really, to be honest haha

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
um, five of my friends, his friend and probably a few people at the pool? hahaha, Lindsay's face afterwards - :O

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Not too worried about it though.

Do you and your last ex hate each other?
I don't technically have an ex because I might have fear of commitment? Or something

Are you happy with the way things are going?
Not neccesarily but I'm sure things will pick up eventually.

Can you recall the last time you liked someone?
I crush very easily haha. They never last too long though

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My dad

Are you one of those people who are always cold?
Always! I always have goosebumps

Ever felt like you're not good enough?
Yeah, I do

Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?

Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
Yeah, today even!

Last thing that made you cry?
Feeling left out. I blogged about it a few days ago

How was your weekend?
Pretty lame

Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don't talk to at all?
So many people.

Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Um, not that I can think of.

Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?
Not a big secret, but I have my fair share.

Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
I know how to make my brother cry, I know, I'm cruel :(

Are you usually a happy person?
Usually, yes

Do you believe in yourself?
I try to, yes

Have you ever been to Europe?
Not yet!

Will this weekend be good?
I hope so. Prom is on Friday but no one knows about an after party yet! Super lame.

Are you afraid to tell your true feelings?
Yeah, most of the time. I usually try to hint about them, though.

Do you think you're a good person?
I honestly do

Think about a lot before you fall asleep?
My mind is always racing a mile a minute.

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
Yup. i remember when I was 7 or 8 I stole my brother's shoes and wore them ALL the time because I loved them. They were a little big but I thought they were so cool

Who was the last person you cried really hard in front of?
My mom

Does cuddling freak you out?
Touching makes me awkward, haha

Do you currently have any bruises?

When was your last kiss?
Monday, May 11th

In the past five days, what would you go back and change?
waking up late today, cus that started off the bad day

The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for?
Cat food to feed my cats

When is the next time you'll wash your hair?

A kiss on the hand, or on the cheek?

What is the last thing you took a picture of?
My cat. wait, that was a video. So.. ME! For my DailyBooth

What will you be doing in a half hour?
Hopefully getting in bed. NO! I lied, Math homework, ha

How long is your hair when its wet?
About the same when it's dry. So, past my shoulders.

If the year consisted of only two seasons, which would you choose?
Summer and Fall

Last time you talked to your ex?
I should be doing homework

Everyone deserves a second chance right?
I think it depends on what they did wrong

Has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?

Do you ever stress out about what people think of you?
Gah, all the time.

Are you texting someone?
Not right now, no.

Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
Yuck, no. Mint!

Do you enjoy watching animals have sex on the Discovery channel?
lmao, what/ I don't even have Discovery Channel

This past summer, did you have a "thing" with anyone?

What are your feelings for your ex?

Do you do well with chopsticks?
Yup! thanks Asian best friend

Have you ever felt an earthquake?

Could you forgive you're best friend for sleeping with your girlfriend?
Um, i'm going to pretend that says boy friend. And yes, I would probably forgibe them but they'd lose my trust and respect.

How old will you be on your 21st birthday?
hopefully 21...

Have you ever seen a bat?

Is there anyone you hate?
Well, strongly dislike.

Do you like the colour orange?
Yes I do

Do you find it in youre heart to forgive?
I forgive easily but I never forget

Do tatoos and piercings excite you?
they don't "excite" me per se

What's your favorite season?

Do you care if people talk smack about you?
Yeah, I do. NOT NECCESARY. I'm so boring there is hardly anything to sat, anyways.

When do you plan on getting married?
Eventually, yes.

How much are you on the phone daily?
Not a lot. I hate texting and I don't like talking on the phone.

What do you do alot?
work, computer, sleep. My life in a nutshell!?

Do you think people will always exist?
That's a nice thought but I think one day someone is going to ruin our race for everyone. Like in that movie with Will Smith when they thought they found a cure for cancer and that cure just killed everyone? Yeah.

Do you belive in luck?

Everything happens for a reason, right?
I try to believe that, yes

Do you like snakes?
um, no, not really.

Do you have feelings for anyone atm?
Not intensely

Where is one place you'd like to live?
Australia or San Fransico

Anything you are looking forward to?
High school being over

Big dogs or small dogs?
Small dogs, big dogs scare me, haha

Did something bother you today?
I get irritated quite easily

What do you think about death?
It's inevitable so just live life in the moment and enjoy it while you still can.

Does someone love you?
My family and Sarah said she'd push me out of the way if a bullet was coming at me. I'd call that love <3 haha

Recently kiss anyone?
Last week? Is that recent?

Has anyone ever mistaked you for a family member?
i don't look like anyone in my family except my mom and my brother.

Say you were given a drug test woud you pass or fail?
PASS. hugs not drugs, fool.

Have you cried today?

What do people call you?
jessica, jess, jess ruby

Thunder storms or snow?
Thunder storms

Laptop or desktop?

What were you doing four hours ago?
Chilling with my mom

What did you do today?
woke up, went to math to give meghan her calculator but she wasn't there and kerr gave me homework even though i wasn't saying so that was a mistake. then went on an environment field trip, got picked from school, tim hortons, got mom from work, came home, finished my book, homework

Who do you get along with the best?
I get along with pretty much everyone

Do you listen to your parents?
Yeah but they'd beg to differ

When was the last time you drove out of town?
I drove to LaSalle? Does that count?

Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?
Closed! Opened is super creepy haha

What was the last thing you thought about last night before you went to bed?
I was reading and then just sort of dozed off. So, nothing really.

What would you rather be doing?

What are you worried about?

Have you ever had your heart broken more than once?
Two major heart breaks and a few minor ones

who was the last person you called ?
My dad

When was the last time you saw your mother?
Like, an hour ago.

Well, that was fun... BYE!

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