Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I basically wrote the alien dictionary. no big.

Long distance relationships.
Can they work? Are they even worth it?

I guess it semi-depends on if you believe in soul mates. Me? I'm a downer, or a realistic, I don't know, but I don't believe in soul mates. I truly do not believe there is one person out there who is made for you. Then again, I've never had a serious relationship or even been in love for that matter. To me, I think there are several people in the world in which people can spend their lives with. I mean, honestly, there are 8 billion people in this world and you think of those 8 billion that this one person is the only person for you?

I've taken a sociology (and psychology & anthropology for that matter) so I've studied (although not as in depth as I would have liked) relationships and the breakdown of attraction and love.

There is, of course, the physical attraction. You can't spend your whole life with someone who isn't pleasant to look at, right? But there is also propinquity, which is just a fancy word for closeness or proximity to another person. Example, I have a higher propinquity with my mom than with my Uncle Bob. Ya dig?


Many people fall in love and/or marry people who either A) live in the same neighborhood B) went to the same high school/college or C) live in the same city.
I'm not saying all or even majority, but you get the idea, right? They're all very close. Walking distance from each other or short driving distance.

How do you know that person is your soul mate? What if there is someone off living their life in Australia who is an even better match for you? You wouldn't know because you're not in Australia now are you?

How convenient that your soul mate lives where you live! AW, happy ever after! ...I don't believe that.

I feel like I got off track, which always seems to happen with me. What was my point? Oh, right.

I fell for a guy who lives a 4-hour drive away from me. And I hate it. Like I said, I don't believe in soul mates, but I'd really like to give this guy a try! He's just so.. attractive to me! In more ways than looks, I'd like to mention. I'm not a wading pool of shallowness you know! I'm more a shallow end of a deep pool. I'd sometimes like to think I am the deep end of the pool when thinking back to some of the guys I've been attracted to.

Is it worth it, though? We are only 18. I'm sure if I do stay in Windsor I'll come across a guy just as suitable. But I am seriously thinking about moving to Toronto for school.

I can't handle my thoughts anymore! Too many at once! Time to shut down and let myself slip into my dreams.

Ps - remember my bucket list? No? Whatever. One of the things was to get a tattoo and I've FINALLY decided on what to get, thanks to my friend Kelly.
I'm deathly afraid of needles so I wanted to get something small but definitely something meaningful.


My mom's middle name and something that is important to me. Double meaning and it just seems perfect.

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