Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I'm at Ashley's right now for a sleepover! We used to have SO many when we were younger. We spent endless hours on Neopets and swimming in her pool. I miss those days, working life sucks!

So, like, yeah, we're painting our nails, reading fashion magazines, making mud masks and like, talking about boys! Hehehe.


We're playing Call of Duty 4, we walked to Tim Hortons and are now watching Real Housewives of Orange County, which I guess is girly. Slightly tacky, though. I'm not really watching, Ashley is. I hate shows like that.

We're getting tired, though. Time for sleep or force myself to stay awake by playing online Boggle!? CHOICES, CHOICES!


ps - Never heard of Starfield? Look them up. Current favourite band.
pps - They're a Christan band, so you might not like the music if you're not Christian. Although you might because they are AWESOME.
ppps - Fake blonde hair looks gross. If you have dark brown hair, don't bleach your hair. It looks awful and tacky and it looks even worse when your roots grow in. Just, don't. Stick with your natural colour and just vamp it up with highlights/lowlights. WOO, random beauty advice form Jessica.

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