Monday, August 17, 2009


Ok, I'll be completely honest with myself here, although I have been extremely busy lately, I forgot about my blog! Which tends to happen every so often so I'm not exactly surprised.

in the time I last blogged and now, I went to Grand Bend with my friends for a week, I got a tattoo, my friend came and visited from Toronto, I made many new friends, and I planned to visit Toronto the end of August AND in the end of October!

SEE? So busy. :)

Ok, so let's catch up in detail now.

If you don't have me added on facebook, I bet you're dying to see my tattoo, especially because that is one more thing crossed from my bucket list!

It looks better in person, if I do say so myself. the picture makes the writing look slightly uneven and not smooth. But my tattoo artist Gemma (who has a cute British accent!) did an amazing job. It was way too expensive because I did get it at a place in a vacation spot, but whatever. I'm glad I got it there and when I did :)

My friend Emily is visiting from Toronto. She technically lives in a suburb outside of Toronto but this is just easier (ever heard of Stouffvile? Yeah, Toronto is just easier). Emily actually lived here for 6 years of her life and was in my class from grade 2 up until grade 8, when her family packed up and moved. She still has a ton of friends here (and wishes she still lived here along with the rest of us!) so she visits every so often.
She stayed at my house Monday till Friday and we ate a lot of gummy worms and Twerps and watched a lot of CSI. I also educated her in a few staple movies she hadn't seen; Mean Girls, Big Daddy and A Walk To Remember. Oh, and my cat Boo has a big crush on her.

Grand Bend was a WEIRD time but AMAZING! Too much happened so I won't go into detail and bore you to tears (if you're even still reading!) but here's a little breakdown:
Stayed in a small cottage with 6 friends, got badly sunburnt, spent almost all day everyday at the beach, visited a friend at his amazingly huge and beautiful cottage and went tubing and jet skiing, crashed a house party, made friends at the house party, went to the drive-in twice, went to the beach with some new friends at 2am, and the very last night there was too weird to even explain.

My best friend moves to Toronto on September 3rd. I'm going to sleep over tomorrow at her house in a tent and we're going to dig up the time capsule we buried together when we were 13.

Connie and me circa 2004

I'm going to miss her :( But hopefully I'll be moving to Toronto in January! If not in January, then I will be in September 2010.

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