Head First, Fearless.
Where the heck have I been?
I hate when I do that; forget to blog. And I hate when I talk/type like that so I have to use the reject grammar symbol. I like going back and reading past entries because for one, I have an awful memory. I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night! And second, blogging, or just writing in general (used to be oodles of notebooks!) helps relieve stress or emotion and makes me feel better.
My last blog I wrote I was leaving for Toronto. Well, I went! And it was an absolute BLAST.
I'll try to sum it up because I could go on and on and probably bore myself.
The first day Ashley and I arrived, Wendy picked us up from the train station and after dropping our luggage at her house we went straight to Much Music to see the Jonas Brothers Live@Much. HEEE-uge thanks to Zack for hooking us up with wristbands!
That was a ton of fun and Nick always seems to recognize me while he's on stage and he just stares at me like "I know you, how do I know you?" and he'll second glance at me until it finally clicks in, then he'll wave :) Joe recognized me as he was walking past, he stopped and was like "Oh hi, how are you!". Kevin didn't even see me this time, which was surprising to me because he's usually the one to recognize me first. He didn't though, maybe because he was so excited to be in Canada and he was still hyped up on Tim Horton's.
Afterwards we went to the Eaton Centre until it was time for the concert. Ashley had bought a ticket the night before for the 500s section and it cost for $15 whole dollars! We snuck her to our seats on the floor which was surprisingly extremely easy!
As we were going into our section, the 'section checker' let Ashley through even though that wasn't her section. Then we got inside where security would check our ticket again and give us a red wristband meaning we were section Floor A. We walked in, me first then Wendy and Alice and Evelyn, and Ashley stayed sort of to the left side where the guy was putting on the wristbands (the girl on the right was checking tickets). My ticket was checked, I went over to get a wristband. As the guy was putting a wristband on Wendy I said "She needs one too" pointing to Ashley and he put one on her!
We went in and they check your ticket AGAIN to get into your section. So the 4 of us went down to our seats (which were changed and we got even better ones!) and Ashley stayed at the merch table until I came back up with Wendy's ticket to get her into our section.
So there you have it, the secret of how to sneak someone into a Jonas Brothers concert. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
I also created a new record of consecutive hours awake - 42! (Plus, only 2 hours of sleep before that!). So I woke up at 7am August 30th and went to bed at 2am Sept. 1st. Between those hours I: worked an 8-hour shift, was on a train for 4 hours, saw the Jonas Brothers at Much, went to their concert (where I was obnoxiously loud and dancey) AND waited for a train at 1am with thousands of other Jonas fans. NEW RECORD heh heh ;)
We had such a great time together in Toronto. We got addicted to Farmville, went to Wonderland, conquered Behemoth, watched 17 Again four times in a row, made a 3am food run, and created some amazing memories and weird inside jokes (and even weirder photos).
I can not wait to move to Toronto :)
Right now I'm working full-time and I'm almost positive I'll be moving to Toronto in January. I WASSSS going to take the whole year off because I was really interested in doing some mission work, but I'm not sure it will happen anymore. If something does come up and I go off and do some missions then I'll be moving to Toronto next September. Both options I am TOTALLLY cool with because in the end I will eventually be in Toronto :) Hopefully I don't change my mind again, but who knows?! I'm pretty much set on what I have planned now though.
So0o0o0o, if you're observant, you would have observed over to the right over there that I do in fact have a tumblr. Well, I just made something to post on mine and it's pretty much story of my life at zee momante. (at the moment, keep up).Haaai Taylor Swift writing about my life, once again.
Ps- Last night for dinner (I remembered!) I had two hot dogs. But instead of putting a hot dog on my hot dog bun I put a pickle. Just trying to be a creative vegetarian over here.
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