So I Saw Avatar
Last week I went to the movies and saw Avatar. After reading endless good reviews, hearing everyone talk about it and many of my friends tell me how "amazing" it is, I let my curiosity get the best of me.
After watching it, all I have to say is, really? People describe Avatar as "amazing"? I mean, yeah, the effects were incredible, everything looked remarkably realistic, so I suppose visually it was pretty amazing but I'm pretty sure I've already seen this movie when I was about 5 years old. And it's called Pocahontas.
I found this picture on tumblr which helps to further justify my opinion:and not only Pocahontas, but also Dances With Wolves. Simply put, the storyline is unoriginal. It's been done and, in my opinion, it's been done better.
I thought the relationship between Jake and Neytiri was much like Bella and Edward's in the Twilight movie. I found myself saying, "Oh, they're in love now? When did that happen?"
Also, maybe it's because I'm not really into sci-fi, but I caught myself laughing out loud at some scenes and cringing at others. Like, the mating scene? Cringe. The chanting and humming to the tree scene? Awkward laugh. Michelle Rodriguez's lines? Laugh and cringe.
The avatar's themselves creeped me out. We had Avatar Happy Meal toys at McDonalds for almost a month (even though I'm almost positive the movie is rated PG-13) and none of the kids wanted them because they're creepy! They're tall, blue, cat-like creatures that sort of resemble humans but have long braids which have worm-y tentacle things that attach to other worm-y tentacle things on animals. Everytime it was shown in the movie I cringed. Oh, and not to mention Neytiri's constant screeching!? Criiiiiinge.
Overall, I rate this movie a 5.5/10 only because it was so pretty to look at. Other than that, I thought the movie was lacking a bit.
But hey, it went on to be the second highest-grossing film to date, so I suppose most people liked it.
1 comment:
hey, i agree with alot you said, there were just some really flat out weird parts in that movie. The whole "connecting" with the Animals thing was just weird, and i found it to be extremely predictable at times. Even still, i liked it. Also if your looking for Aussie guys my friend goes to Guelph Unversity and she says they are everywhere :P
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