Diamonds Built Right In!
More like,
Jessica R.
Identity Theft Victim
My bank calls me up, tells me that when I used my debit card some machine copied my card and number. The bank doesn't even know which store it was (*cough*investinabettertrackingsystem*cough*) so I don't even know which store to avoid! Gah. No money was taken, thank goodness, but now I have to get a whole new card and create a new pin number. My friend's pin number is TUNA, like on the phone keypad. I'll think of something short and sweet like that.
On a whole other thought, don't you hate it when you're having this really awesome, vivid dream and then you're woken up, and then even worse, you can't even fall back asleep to continue that dream? Yeah, that's me two mornings in a row.
The first morning I DID fall back asleep right into that first dream but it was rudely interrupted by my mom screaming that I'll be late for work.
The second dream, the one I had this morning, oh my GOSH! So pissed I couldn't fall back asleep. I dreamt about a situation I wish I could handle and over come in real life but I'm too wimpy and awkward. And in my dream everything felt so real and everything worked out in my favour (which should have been my first indication it was, in fact, a dream. And I should've then used my dream consciousness to my advantage and dreamt something really spontaneous just to semi-experience something I've been wanting to).
Both dreams sort of had to do with prom too. First one more so but the second one too. I read somewhere that you can sort of control your dreams by thinking about something as you fall asleep. I was much too tired last night to be thinking at all as i drifted off but what I dreamt was something I've been thinking a lot of lately, sort of. What I've been thinking of a lot lately had to do with a couple people who were in dream numero deux.
I'm going to bed now hoping to continue last night's dream. But with my luck I probably won't even dream. Or even worse, that creepy reoccurring Madonna dream will haunt my subconsciousness, ahhh
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