Clearly I'm more of a Creepster Than I Thought
I did it again. Even though I said it was weird before, I went into a random chatroom thinger.
Ok, I probably sound so creepy, but please don't think I just go searching for random chat rooms. Or go on daily. Or even monthly. Or even bi-monthly... ok you get the idea.
Here's the story:
So, I'm randomly on the Jonas Brothers imdb page (for reasons I can't even remember) and there was this popular thread called "Post your Omegle convos here!" and I was like "huh? What is this Omegle they speak of?"
So, of course, I googled it and it turned out to be this website where their slogan is "Talk to strangers!" - how rebellious! YEAH!
Basically you go on their wesbite and they pair you up with a random person to start chatting with. You don't need a username, or to sign up or anything - it's completely anonymous.
Here is an example:
I'm 'You' and this conversation actually happened.
Anyway, so the very first time I go on (Monday night), I didn't understand the concept. I thought it would be like one of those "SmarterChild" robot/computer things. So right away I start goofing off and saying random stuff when I realize this "computer" is typing 'you' as 'u' and 'your' as 'ur'. That's when I asked if I was talking to a computer and the guy was like "um, nope.. are you a computer!?"
From then, we spent nearly an hour and a half talking. This time it wasn't inspiring or intellectual like the last time I was on a random chat site. We went back and forth for awhile making up ridiculous stories. Then he tried convincing me he was a 10 year old girl from Colorado and I told him he must be at least 14 by the way he types.
Then we went back and forth making guesses about each other, like gender, age, height [NO WORRIES! I'm smart on the internet, I didn't reveal anything about myself! duhhhh - not my name, not my age, not my country, not even my height (: ] and THEN we got onto the subject of music. We had a lot of music in common except that he liked rap and hated country and I'm the exact opposite.
So we get into talking about music some more, I suggested a few bands, he suggested a few bands I already had.
Then BAM!
Connection imploded.
Is it weird that I was upset? Like, I'm not sure what happened - stupid website glitch. But now we can never finish our conversation or anything. We don't know each others names, where we're from, our age, or even our height!
I was telling Danni about it and she was like "Wow, that sucks. You guys could have been soul mates."
Which I guess could be true, in a creepy sort of way.. BUT NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW.
Like, honestly, for sure I wasn't going to keep in touch with this person - I was never going to reveal anything about myself. But, I mean, I didn't stop the conversation. He didn't stop the conversation. And now we'll never formally end our conversation.
I don't know. I'm sort of over it now, but on Monday I was a bit.. upset. That's hardly even the right word. Just frustrated I guess.
But then again, that's the beauty of this website. It is completely anonymous! You only reveal what you want to reveal, and for me it's revealing nothing.
It's mostly just fun to joke around with people anonymously, but sometimes you can have really interesting conversations.
Don't get the idea I go on this website all day, everyday, because I don't, but I was talking to this guy today and we were just getting things off our chest. Like, secrets. And it was easy because we don't know each other and we just give each other advice or just were there for someone to vent.
Man, let me tell you, some people lead some pretty interesting lives. It didn't sound made up at all, it sounded truthful, but what do I know.
Also, before we even revealed genders, I said "what's your name?", this person said "Ari" and I said "Oh! like Ariel, my favourite Disney princess" and this person goes "uuuugh, yes, but my parents were cruel - i'm a guy"
A guy named Ariel ... don't see that everyday!
PS - if you ever do check out this website, watch out for the Brazilians, they're not as friendly as people make them out to be.
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