Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Thrifting

After running a few (hundred) aruns, my cousins, my mom and I went thrift shopping. It's amazing, some of the things you find! I spotted a real Burberry purse for only $12! And some of the clothes you see, you wonder what kind of people actually owned these these. Even worse, what kind of people wore these!?
There were a few things I would've loved to buy but I'm not sure if I could pull it off and also, I thought I might regret buying it afterwards.

I ended up buying 3 movies on VHS. I bought Beaches, Dirty Dancing and Mulan. Why I didn't already have those movies, I have no idea.
But I got 3 movies.. 3 movies all for under $10! Can't beat that.
I'm going to convert them onto a DVD, too.

There was a lady in there who had a parrot on her shoulder. And she wasn't even a pirate, trust me, I checked.
I know blind people can have dogs, but is that legal to have a bird on your shoulder inside a building?

Anyway, I sort of feel a new tradition in the works - Sunday Afternoon Thrifting. Maybe not a weekly tradition because I work and I'm not easily able to just drive myself (until May 1st, whatwhat!) but definitely something I can see myself doing at least once a month.

I love Sundays, don't you? Sundays when you don't have to work. When you can sleep till noon (or later, heh). Sundays when you go to the fruit & vegetable market with your mom and on your way there you see the Role Players in the park with their capes and swords. Sundays when you eat dinner early and lounge around doing nothing too important until you realize it's now 7:30pm and you haven't started any homework due for Monday.
I just love Sundays.

The lounging around part of my Sunday today consisted of green iced tea, Triscuits and lots of Sarah Dessen.

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