Friday, June 12, 2009

If I Could Live my Life all Over Again?

If I could live my life all over again, I would take more risks. I would be less afraid of failure and more afraid of missing out on experiences. I would travel more and stay in less. I would stop worrying about what other people think and care more about what I think of myself. I would not quit things easily and I would practice, practice, practice. I would learn a language until I was fluent and play an instrument well. I would compliment people more and give more praise. I would tell the ones I love that I love them and not hold back emotion. I would embrace those who love me and whom I love and rid myself of those who bring me down. I would put more effort into staying in touch with people and have a conversation with a person I recognize in the grocery store. I would send more letters. I would sleep less often because time is of the essence. Although nothing is really longer than life, life seems short. There are only 24 hours in a day and to be sleeping for 11 of those hours is just wasteful. We are blessed with time on Earth so we need to take advantage of the time given to us.

If I could live my life over again, I would enjoy nature more and enjoy electronics less. I would experience the waves of the ocean crashing down on me and the smell of wild flowers in a field. I would take more pictures and record more videos. I would stop worrying about the future and stop worrying in general. I would not obsess about my past; I would learn from my mistakes and move on. I would live in the now and let the cards fall where they may. I would not bottle things up inside. I would eat more vegetables and drink more water. I would eat breakfast everyday. I would meet more people and give more hugs. I would be less serious and less angry. I would always tell the truth. Sometimes the truth may hurt but if you always told the truth, you’d never have to remember what you said.

If I could live my life over again, I would not be afraid of needles. I would floss often and smile more. I would try everything at least once. I would not be such a picky eater and bake more. I would paint more pictures. I would not shop at the same stores repeatedly and not judge a store from the outside. I would trust my gut feeling and know when to say no. I would do random acts of kindness and be forgiving. Forgiveness will not change the past but it does help pave the future.

If I could live my life over again, I would be more thankful for my family and the ones who love me. I would be thankful for my health, my country, my freedom and my every breath.


An English essay I actually enjoyed writing, say whaaaat?

ps - about this whole "going to bed early thing"? Yeaaaaahh, not really workin' out for me. Obviously. Who needs more than 2 hours of sleep a night anyways, right?! :|

pps - have you ever gotten news that is like huge but you couldn't tell anyone? Don't you hate that feeling? It's like, for example and hypothetically speaking and in theory, I won some huge contest but I couldn't boast about it and call everyone I knew and post it on every social site I belong to. But that's just an example and hypothetically speaking and in theory. :D

1 comment:

Hannah said...


Congrats, Jess! I'm sooooo happy for you :D

I don't really know what the contest was about. But. I know you wanted to win, so hearing you did is wonderful!!!

<333 good luck with whatever it is ;)