You Choo-Choo-Choose Me?
Since Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday this year, I've dubbed this entire weekend Valentine's Day Weekend. Original name, huh? Yeah, well it get the point across.
And since you seem SO interested in my life (I mean, you ARE reading my blog right? Ok, now you're scrolling over to exit the page. Yeah, ok, thanks there)
What was I tlaking about? Whatevs, here's my Valentine's Day plans:
Tonight (which is technically over as of 5 hours ago):
Made me dinner (no beef tacos! Yum!), went to Build-a-bear workshop and made Stanley! He's flippen adorable. Then we went to Starbucks (I've got him hooked on vanilla bean blended creme frapps) and after went to his house so I could kick his butt in Wii Tennis. Then we decided we were hungry and made a stop at Subway before driving me home.
I work in the morning till 2pm (Yeah, maybe going to bed soon might be a good idea then..) then I'll come home, shower and stuff, eat dinner, then i'll get dropped of at Daliz's for a "Sex and the City marathon sleepover".
Ok, please please pleeeease don't tell my mom. She'd go ape shit on my ass if she knew that he's picking me up from Daliz's then we're going to a Karaoke bar downtown then building a fort in his basement and I'll be spending the night there.
Sunday aka THE BIG DAY aka not thaaat big but I'm excited nonetheless:
Wake up at his house, probably go out for breakfast (there's this cute restaurant here called Cora's and it's delicious! So probably there). then he'll drive me home and when my mom sees his Jeep pull up I'll say that he picked Daliz and I up in the morning and we had breakfast. Heh? Sketchy, I know, I'll work on it.
Once I get home I'll probably nap till he picks me up around 5pm for dinner at Red Lobster. I hate seafood, but he loves it, so I chose to go there. Afterwards we're going to see Valentine's Day! I'm very excited to see that even though Rotten Tomatoes only gave it a 15% rating.
I'm so excited because this is the first year I've ever had a Valentine! Well, my mom always buys me chocolate and some socks with hearts on them, which is cute and I hope I still get this year, but this weekend is going to be awesome! I'm so excited to give him his gift and I worked SO hard on it!
Ok, so the boy has an Iphone that he is so obsessed with. He honestly has 15 different Iphone skins. So I got him yet another one! No, I really did. Except this one was designed buy me and has his favourite car (Orange Dodge Challenger) on it. Plus, I got a wooden box and painted it customarily for him which I spent 12 hours straight on (my mom wasn't too pleased when she got up for work at 8am and i was still awake painting..)
And check out the card I'm giving him:So, do you like.. stuff?
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