Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh.. whoops!

I am the worst blogger in the history of bloggers. Exaggeration but wow I suck at keeping up with this blog. To be honest, I've been ... well, not busy per se, but rather preoccupied?

Last Tuesday my friends texted me and said that they're going to Toronto on the weekend to surprise Connie and that I should go too. So I spontaneously bought a bus ticket I could not afford and went to Toronto with my friends for the weekend.
We always seem to have such weird adventures together. Without going into too much detail: I had to sit next to a tall smelly guy, Ashley forgot her purse, I was the only one to get off the street car and we walked three blocks the wrong way in the dark. And this was all before we even got to Connie's house. It turned out to be a really fun weekend and even though I spent money I hardly have, I'm really glad I went. We went out the first night and the second night we had a slumber party consisting of cookies and Jersey Shore (gag me) and of course, lots of "let's talk about our feelings". I love that whenever we get together we almost forget that we hadn't seen each other for months and just pick up from where we left off.

I also found the OPI black shatter nail polish that I had been looking FOREVER for! Every store I went to it had sold out, but I finally found it at some hair salon at the Easton Centre and it was way over priced but I searched too long and hard not to buy it. It is so COOL. I'm surprising my mom by coming home this weekend (mainly because I'll be working a midnight shifts, cha-ching$$!) so I'm going to bring the nail polish home and we can try it out.

School is still stressing me out to ze max. I'm having a hard time concentrating and an even harder time waking up in the morning. I set nearly 5 alarms every morning and I wake up at noon not remembering even shutting the alarms off. It's getting bad. But at least I'm sleeping again! Granted, I'm not on a normal sleep schedule but last week and the week before I was going a couple days with zero amounts of sleep.
Oh, and have I ever mentioned I hate group projects? I hate group projects.

I want to try a detox diet when I get back home. A healthy one, of course. None of those weird grapefruit-only oe cabbage soup-only (ASHLEY...) diets. I've been looking up suggestions and tips and I'll probably try it for a week in May. We'll see how long I last. I'm not really a dry vegetable eater.

iCarly starts in a few minutes, so farewell until my next post which could be tomorrow and it could be a month from now. My memory so screwy? I have the weirdest things stored in my memory yet I can't remember what I had for dinner last night. This is why I try to write everything down.

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